In recent years, online gambling platforms such as Stake have experienced significant growth, generating billions of dollars in profit. This raises a critical question: How can we be certain that these online platforms are not rigging the games against their users?
In this paper, we will explore the creation of a provably fair and random game similar to Mines, which is one of the most popular gambling games available.
All the code in this paper will be in Python, so a basic understanding of Python would be helpful.
Our implementation has three key requirements:
• The position of the mines should be random
• The user should not be able to determine the position of the mines with any probability greater than what would occur by random chance
• The user should be able to see the position of the mines and determine whether the game was fair or not once it ends
Code Implementation
We'll be designing a game of Mines where the grid is of size n*n and has m mines. For this example, we'll consider a grid of size 3*3 with 1 mine, but you can tweak these parameters as needed.
# Game Configuration
square_size = 3
number_of_mines = 1
number_of_tiles = square_size * square_size
number_of_gems = number_of_tiles - number_of_mines
if number_of_tiles < number_of_mines:
print("Number of tiles can't be less than number of mines")
# Create game layout
game_layout = []
# Add mines
for i in range(number_of_mines):
# Add gems
for i in range(number_of_gems):
# game_layout is an array with 1s (mines) and 0s (gems)
Adding Randomness
We'll use Python's random module and the os module for generating cryptographically secure randomness:
import random
import os
# Generate cryptographically random server seed
server_seed = os.urandom(32)
This generates a cryptographically random 32-byte value and uses it to seed the Python PRNG (Pseudo Random Number Generator), shuffling the game layout.
Enhanced Randomness with Client Seed
To prevent manipulation, we incorporate a client-side seed:
import random
import os
import hashlib
# Generate server seed and its hash
server_seed = hashlib.sha256(os.urandom(32)).hexdigest()
server_seed_hashed = hashlib.sha256(server_seed.encode()).hexdigest()
# Display server seed hash
print(f"The current server seed hash is {server_seed_hashed}")
# Get client seed
client_seed = input("Enter client seed: ").strip()
client_seed_hashed = hashlib.sha256(client_seed.encode()).hexdigest()
# Create final seed
final_seed = client_seed_hashed + server_seed
# Shuffle game layout
Game Logic and State Management
# Convert 1D layout to 2D grid
square_layout = []
square_row = []
for j, i in enumerate(game_layout):
if (j+1) % square_size == 0:
square_row = []
# Initialize game state
mine_struck = False
game_state = []
for i in range(square_size):
row = [0] * square_size
# Game loop
while not mine_struck:
# Display current game board
for i, row in enumerate(square_layout):
for j, element in enumerate(row):
if game_state[i][j] == 0:
print(f" [{i+1} , {j+1}] ", end="")
print(" * ", end="")
# Get user input
coords = input("Select the tile with its numbers split with a comma or quit to end the game: ").strip()
if coords != "quit":
coords = coords.split(",")
first_coord = int(coords[0])
second_coord = int(coords[1])
# Check if mine is struck
if square_layout[first_coord-1][second_coord-1] == 1:
print("You hit the mine. BOOM !!")
print(f"Client seed for verification: {server_seed}")
mine_struck = True
game_state[first_coord-1][second_coord-1] = 1
print("Game ended")
print(f"Client seed for verification: {server_seed}")
mine_struck = True
Client-Side Verification
# Verification Script
square_size = 3
number_of_mines = 1
number_of_tiles = square_size * square_size
number_of_gems = number_of_tiles - number_of_mines
# Create game layout
game_layout = []
for i in range(number_of_mines):
for i in range(number_of_gems):
import hashlib
import random
# Get verification inputs
client_input = input("What was the client input: ").strip()
server_seed = input("What was the final revealed server seed: ").strip()
server_seed_hash = input("What was the initially revealed server seed hash: ").strip()
# Verify seed and hash
client_input_hashed = hashlib.sha256(client_input.encode()).hexdigest()
final_seed = client_input_hashed + server_seed
# Check seed integrity
if hashlib.sha256(server_seed.encode()).hexdigest() == server_seed_hash:
print("Server Seed Hash verified. The game was provably fair.")
print("Server Seed Hash verification failed, the game wasn't fair.")
# Reproduce game layout
# Display final layout
for j, i in enumerate(game_layout):
if i == 0:
print(" GEM ", end="")
print(" MINE ", end="")
if (j+1) % square_size == 0:
This is a fundamental example using the game Mines, but the principles of provable randomness can be applied to all types of gambling games.
Full code available at: